Sunday 9 September 2007

Mary Kostakidis Lamington Action

Bethany J Fellows presented a small Lamington Action in Fed Square on September 8th in response to Mary Kostakidis' departure from SBS Television. Positioned in front of the SBS building the artist offered free lamingtons & badges emblazoned with Mary's face. Public support for news reader Mary Kostakidis was overwhelming, the general consensus being that she was very much loved by the community and also thought to be very attractive. People also really like free lamingtons. Security asked Bethany to leave Fed square on two occasions despite their lust for lamingtons, the stall eventually finding a safe haven in front of St. Paul's Cathedral on Swanston St.

Why Lamingtons?

"I thought they were the most succinct symbol to represent both Australian Values and Mary Kostakidis"

The event was documented by Trippy Taco employee Claire M Alexander.

The Artist with Fed Square security.

"You want a Lamington? They're FREE!"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear Bethany
I'm anxious to know of the provenance of the lamingtons stacked in two piles on your strategically placed card table as part of your action for Mary K.

I have a bad feeling that they are mass-produced cubes of factory cake covered with low grade icing and coconut sourced from some unfortunate coconut factory in some poor area of what we call the developing world.

I am a firm believer in the dignity of simple human work and feel that a plate or stack of home-made lamingtons made from sourced quality ingredients would add enormous depth of feeling to your action for Mary.

Grappling with cut home-made sponge squares in a bowl of chocolate icing and then transferring the squares to a plate of coconut and achieving an even covering before letting them dry on a specially contructed rack resonates with integrity, warmth and tru Aussie values. These are the values that Mary would feel as well as the casual passer by once they see the quality of the lamingtons supporting Mary in this pivotal point in her career

The challenge is all yours Bethany.