Thursday, 10 May 2007


Bethany J Fellows staged a small performance on the 9th of May in response to her burgeoning Work for the Dole status and Ash Keating's rival performance a block away. Dressed as a giant taco she sat on Swanston street's notorious begging strip for four hours. She earned $9.55. Some kids bought her some corn chips. No one had any salsa.

The performance was filmed by Samuel Indratma and in watching the rough cut seemed altogether more hilarious than the actual event. This will hopefully be available online soon.
The artist was also approached to be in a play at La MaMa theatre but who knows if anything will come of this. Sam got the director's number.
She was photographed numerous times.


Chris Fellows said...

*I* would have popped into a shop and picked you up some salsa.

I can't wait to see how John Denver fits into all this... ;)

Chris Fellows said...

I couldn't figure out how to work the sudanese soccer results into my own blog, so I thought I may as well put them here.

Anonymous said...

We are currently in negotatitions regarding a Japanese John Denver tribute band. He hasn't appeared in a performance yet but seems to be frequenting the Artist's dreams. Still & calculating like a bird of prey, scrutinising her intensely...